3) Customizing Theme Overview (Niche) Print

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Niche supports multiple methods of customization and supports the recently released Page Builder.

Starting with the easiest methods: No coding experience required:

1) BigCommerce Theme Customizer (Click here for guide)

2) Add widgets and further customizations with the BigCommerce Page Builder (Click here for guide)



The method below should only be used if you are comfortable editing HTML, SCSS and understand the BigCommerce Stencil theme architecture. 

IMPORTANT note on editing theme files (this only applies if editing files using Stencil theme editor):

If you wish to modify the theme by changing the core files, then you'll need to create a copy of the theme first.

Making a copy effectively 'disconnects' it from receiving automatic theme updates from BigCommerce. The original theme will still receive updates, but if you have a customized version of the theme, you will need to manually maintain the customized theme or have us apply the update patches to your theme for you.

Unfortunately, there is no automatic way to roll out an update to a customized theme because there is no way of BigCommerce to know what changes have been made which may break if untested on a custom theme.


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