Image Sizes (Elevate) Print

  • 8

Logo Image Size

260px wide by 30px high


Home Page Carousel 

1920px by whatever height you want (try 800px high) - for consistency it is important that all carousel images have the same height.


Home Page Category Image Sizes

Depending how many categories you have selected to display above, category image sizes below can change.

3 Categories Shown: 370px wide by your choice of height.

If you have chosen 3 categories to be shown, they will be displayed as a tall grid and ideal image size is 370px wide by whatever height you like - just make sure they are all the same size for uniformity.

4 Categories Shown: 370px wide by your choice of height.

If you have chosen 4 categories to be shown, they will be displayed as a tall grid and ideal image size is 370px wide by whatever height you like - just make sure they are all the same size for uniformity.

5 Categories Shown:

If you have chosen 5 categories to be shown they will display in a masonry layout.

See screenshots for each versions image sizes:











Product Image Size

For best image clarity, we recommend having an image size of 1000 x 1000 px or larger. Remember to keep the size of the image the same. EG do not upload portrait images, then wide images mixed with square images because the website will not look uniform. Try to consistency here - product images are key to increasing sales.


Category Image Sizes

1920px wide by whatever height you would like (try 350px or 400px high).


Our Story Image Size

This is for the home page about us section: 800px wide by 600px high 


Recent Updates on home page

This will scale to fit the space on the home page but upload an image of 800px wide by 450px high




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