8) Buttons & Icons (Elevate) Print

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In your control panel, go to Storefront > My Themes, and click the blue "Customize" button to launch Theme Editor.

In the left hand column of the Theme Editor, click the panel labelled 'Buttons & Icons'.


Primary action button

Button text color color of the text inside the button
Button text hover color color of the text in the button when you hover a cursor over it
Button background color of the button behind the text
Button background hover color of the button behind the text when you hover a cursor over it
Button background active color of the button behind the text when you click on it

Secondary action button

Button text color color of the text inside the button
Button text hover color color of the button behind the text
Button text active color color of the text in the button when you click on it
Button border color of the line around the button


Tertiary action button

Button background color of the “sort by” filter selector/drop-down
Button arrow icon color of the arrow in the “sort by” filter selector/drop-down


Disabled button

Button text color color of the text inside the disabled button
Button background color of the button behind the text
Button border

color of the border around the button



Social media icon color of social media icons in the footer
Social media icon hover color displayed when the cursor hovers over a social media icon
Star review icon (full) color of the star icons that are empty in a star rating display
Star review icon (empty) color of the star icon rating that gets counted
Increase/decrease button color of the quantity change buttons


Checkboxes and radio buttons

Checkbox and radio icon color of the checkmark on checkboxes, or the dot on radio buttons
Button background color of the box behind the check mark or radio dot
Button border color of the border around the checkbox/radio button

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